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nloptr (version 1.0.0)

NLopt options: Setting NL Options


Sets and changes the NLOPT options.


nl.opts(optlist = NULL)


list of options, see below.


The following options can be set (here with default values):

stopval = -Inf, # stop minimization at this value}\cr xtol_rel = 1e-6, # stop on small optimization step}\cr maxeval = 1000, # stop on this many function evaluations}\cr ftol_rel = 0.0, # stop on change times function value}\cr ftol_abs = 0.0, # stop on small change of function value}\cr check_derivatives = FALSE returns a list with default and changed options. There are more options that can be set for solvers in NLOPT. These cannot be set through their wrapper functions. To see the full list of options and algorithms, type nloptr.print.options(). nl.opts(list(xtol_rel = 1e-8, maxeval = 2000))